Sunday, October 18, 2009

THRIVE Year - October 19-25

We're beginning a new week, THRIVE Year Bible Reading continues. It was awesome to wrap-up the story of Job...and get to God's answer of Job's crisis! Now we're continuing Genesis this week.

Monday Oct 19 --- Genesis 22-24
Tuesday Oct 20 --- Genesis 25-26
Wednesday Oct 21 --- Genesis 27-29
Thursday Oct 22 --- Genesis 30-31
Friday Oct 23 --- Genesis 32-34
Saturday Oct 24 --- Genesis 35-37
Sunday Oct 25 --- Genesis 38-40

I want to remind you that our goal is to read for about 20 minutes a day, and set aside some time for prayer. If you're just joining us, jump right into this plan with us. If you've missed a day or so...jump back in! This year is going to be exciting, as we look at scripture from a new perspective.

Have an incredible week! See everyone at Team Church Rally/Volunteer Appreciation tonight. Feel free to let us know how we can connect you to a small group, as well.

Brandon Stewart
Champions Centre

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