Exodus 4-6. God speaks to Moses and promises deliverance. Big moments.
It's the weekend...and Halloween. Hope whatever this weekend brings your way, that you enjoy it to the fullest. Don't miss Church this weekend...great message and worrship waiting for you at all services. Plus, it's our opportunity to encourage people who are new to Church...always the highlight of my weekend.
Let us know how we can pray for you. We can stand together...even online.
See you this weekend.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
#ThriveYear Reading Saturday October 31
Posted by Brandon Stewart at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 30, 2009
#ThriveYear Reading Friday October 30
Exodus 1-3. Here we go...the beginning of one of the great adventures of the Bible, and the birth of an incredible leader (in unusual circumstances).
It's Friday. The end of the week...the beginning of the weekend. Make sure and take some time today to encourage someone in your world. You never know what a word in season could mean to someone.
If you're out of town this weekend (or don't live in the Seattle/Tacoma area) make sure and catch this weekend's service via live streaming at 11:30 AM PST. www.championscentre.com
Have a great weekend.
Posted by Brandon Stewart at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 29, 2009
#ThriveYear Reading Thursday October 29
Genesis 48-50. A big moment between Joseph and his brothers. And the death of two great men.
Give me some feedback on how you are liking these daily updates. I'm hoping that a daily post like this will encourage everyone to stay strong in reading all week long. This is good stuff. If you are new...welcome.
Have an awesome day.
Posted by Brandon Stewart at 6:00 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
#ThriveYear Reading Wednesday October 28
Genesis 46-47. Joseph leads in a time of famine. In the right place at the right time.
Tonight at Church we have our weekly Anthem252 service (ages 15-30s). If you haven't been in a while, make sure you get there. It's a highlight of the week for me...a chance to impact a young person's life. A night with purpose.
See you soon.
Posted by Brandon Stewart at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
#ThriveYear Reading Tuesday October 27
Genesis 43-45. The second journey to Egypt, and a family reunion! A dream realized.
When commenting on Thrive Year reading on Twitter, let's start using the #ThriveYear hash tag. If you're unfamilar with why this is useful, try searching Twitter (in the search bar) for #thriveyear or clicking on the link, and you'll see why!
THRIVE Night TONIGHT at both campuses! Make sure you are here if you're not already in a small group.
Go for it today!
Posted by Brandon Stewart at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
#ThriveYear Reading Monday October 26
Genesis 41-42. Pharaoh's Dreams & Joseph placed in charge of Egypt. A family reunion like none other is about to take place.
This week we're going to try an experiment (based on strong feedback...most of which is my wife!). We're going to post the Thrive Year reading daily. Let me know if it helps you.
Happy reading today.
Posted by Brandon Stewart at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Thrive Year - October 26-November 1
Hello Thrive Year participants! Another great week has ended...and another begins. This week will find us closing out Genesis, and heading into the incredible book of Exodus (one of my favorites).
I'm thoroughly enjoying reading this together. But I do want to encourage you to not just stop here, with your involvement in the community of the Church. I want to encourage you to take the step to join or host a small group at Church, as it is the best place to discuss and put God's Word into practice.
Here is this week's reading:
Monday, October 26 --- Genesis 41-42
Tuesday, October 27 --- Genesis 43-45
Wednesday, October 28 --- Genesis 46-47
Thursday, October 29 --- Genesis 48-50
Friday, October 30 --- Exodus 1-3
Saturday, October 31 --- Exodus 4-6
Sunday, November 1 --- Exodus 7-9
I want to encourage anyone who is viewing this plan for the first time to jump in and join us! This Bible reading plan is something that can be started at any time. So, open up the whole plan and dive into it with us.
Have an awesome week! Let me know how I can help you get connected at Church.
Brandon Stewart
Champions Centre
This message sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.
Posted by Brandon Stewart at 6:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009
Participate in Planning for This Weekend's Message
This weekend Pastor Kevin is continuing his series on "God in the Box." It's been awesome so far, and promises to be even better this weekend as he speaks on the Judgment Box ("God's gonna get me") vs. the Grace Box ("God's looking the other way").
We want to hear from you!
We'd like you to submit at least one question that you think people are wondering today. Some of these questions will end up in this weekend's message. We are looking for questions that represent some of the hot issues in our world today.
For example, ask Pastor Kevin a question like this...
Is it a sin to _________? (Drink alcohol, live together before marriage, get a tattoo, etc)
Can God still forgive me even if I __________? (Commit adultery, cheat at school/work, lie, etc)
How big of a deal is sin to God?
Ways to submit your question:
1. Post a comment on this blog entry.
2. Reply to this e-mail (if you receive updates by e-mail) or e-mail clg@championscentre.com.
3. Post a question to CLG on Facebook or Twitter (@ message).
We'll pass every question on to Pastor, for possible use in his message this weekend! Make sure and invite someone to Church...it promises to be a not-to-miss series!
Happy reading.
Brandon Stewart
Champions Centre
This message sent from my Blackberry wireless handheld.
Posted by Brandon Stewart at 6:21 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
THRIVE Year - October 19-25
We're beginning a new week, THRIVE Year Bible Reading continues. It was awesome to wrap-up the story of Job...and get to God's answer of Job's crisis! Now we're continuing Genesis this week.
Monday Oct 19 --- Genesis 22-24
Tuesday Oct 20 --- Genesis 25-26
Wednesday Oct 21 --- Genesis 27-29
Thursday Oct 22 --- Genesis 30-31
Friday Oct 23 --- Genesis 32-34
Saturday Oct 24 --- Genesis 35-37
Sunday Oct 25 --- Genesis 38-40
I want to remind you that our goal is to read for about 20 minutes a day, and set aside some time for prayer. If you're just joining us, jump right into this plan with us. If you've missed a day or so...jump back in! This year is going to be exciting, as we look at scripture from a new perspective.
Have an incredible week! See everyone at Team Church Rally/Volunteer Appreciation tonight. Feel free to let us know how we can connect you to a small group, as well.
Brandon Stewart
Champions Centre
This message sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.
Posted by Brandon Stewart at 12:28 PM 0 comments
Quick thought on Trusting God "He will do it"
Genesis 12:1-3
1 The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you.
2 “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.
3 I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.”
The emphasis is from God & his "I" statements!!! He wil make it happen!!
God didn't leave Abram alone or tell him "good luck on your life" but he gives him a dream & a passion but comes right along side him & says I will be with you & I will do it!
- my question to us is who are we trusting in to "make it happen"??
- my challenge is to up our Trust, rely in him & put our hope in him!
As we do the trusting and the walking out of the dream, then will God will "make it happen"
God bless and let's let God "make it a great week"!!
Posted by Anonymous at 6:10 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2009
THRiVE YEAR - October 12-18
Were coming into another great week of getting into God's word! This weeks reading brings us to the incredible conclusion of Job's story where God Answers Job!
This weeks reading plan Monday October 12 - Sunday October 18
Day 12 --- Job 32-34
Day 13 --- Job 35-37
Day 14 --- Job 38-39
Day 15 --- Job 40-42
Day 16 --- Genesis 12-15
Day 17 --- Genesis 16-18
Day 18 --- Genesis 19-21
Its been great having you join us on Thrive Year! I hope your allowing The Holy Spirit to open up his words to you in new ways every. And as He does, I pray "God give us the strength to apply & DO what it says!" Because that is where the growing in God takes off!!
alright, so were off to this weeks reading, maybe pull a few people together & do the reading together, (it can help with accountability) go ahead make comments on our posts, we'd love to hear what God is showing you as well!
God Bless you; have a good one!
Pastor Samuel
Posted by Anonymous at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Quick Compassion Thought - from Job
Job 29:14 I was known for being fair to everyone I met. 15 I was eyes to the blind and feet to the lame, 16 Father to the needy, and champion of abused aliens.
To whom much is given, much is required. As His church we are all called to be extensions of God on this planet.
"God help us to see how we can step in and be the eyes/ears/feet/love to the broken and hurting in our world, today - amen"
Posted by Anonymous at 6:55 AM 2 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
THRiVE Year - Perspective
The last few days we've been reading about Job's response in crisis. I wonder how many times we've been in Job's shoes? When I read his responses, I see someone who doesn't understand what is going on. I see someone who is tempted to speak out of bitterness, and reject the wisdom of people close to him. I see someone who thought he may have had it all together...and now that foundation has been shaken.
When trials come, how do you respond? How do you perceive adversity in your life?
Today in the Tacoma area, it is cloudy. The weather was pretty grey this morning. We all know that there is a sun above the clouds, we just can't see it. We also know that if we were to jump on an airplane, we'd see the sun very quickly once we got above the clouds...because we would have a different perspective.
Traffic in the Seattle area is regularly a challenge. We all know the times of day we have to avoid certain areas. Its always helpful to tune into the traffic reports, when driving during rush hour, because you know that there is someone hovering above the traffic in a helicopter. They are at a different vantage point...a better perspective. Even though you can only see a few hundred feet in front of you, you can trust the voice of the traffic reporter...because he can see it much better.
I heard this example once from Ed Young (who was recently with us at Champions Centre):
It is no secret in the New Testament that the Apostle Paul wanted to speak in Rome. This would have been the highlight of his ministry life, potentially...to speak in the cultural and governmental hub of their world. No doubt Paul would have held a big rally, and seen many people come to Christ in his ministry there. But it never happened. Instead, Paul ended up in prison.
Doesn't exactly sound ideal, does it? I'll bet Paul was discouraged. I'll be he didn't understand why God would allow this to happen. I believe it is because God had a higher perspective. I believe that God knew if he could get Paul to settle down, that Paul would write. And write, he did. Out of that time in his life came many great parts of the New Testament. Ask yourself this: In the light of history, which would have been better? Paul speaking in Rome? Or Paul writing a good chunk of the New Testament?
God's perspective in life is always higher and better. We must learn to look for His perspective, even when we don't understand.
Keep reading! We've only started. And this is only getting better. Stay in touch.
Brandon Stewart
Champions Centre
This message sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.
Posted by Brandon Stewart at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009
THRiVE YEAR - October 5-11
Here we go...heading into our first full week of THRiVE YEAR. We're just a few days into this, and already we're reading the book of Job. I'm already loving the chronological approach to this plan. Totally new perspective!
Reading Plan Updates
Here is this week's reading plan. Remember, for the full version of our plan, head to the first blog post and check out the online plan
Monday October 5 - Sunday October 11
Day 5 --- Job 6-9
Day 6 --- Job 10-13
Day 7 --- Job 14-16
Day 8 --- Job 17-20
Day 9 --- Job 21-23
Day 10 --- Job 24-28
Day 11 --- Job 29-31
This week, Pastor Samuel and my own small group will be joining me to blog about our reading a couple of times. Stay tuned, and comment on the blogs. Looking forward to an awesome week!
Stay in touch.
Pastor Brandon Stewart
Posted by Brandon Stewart at 6:41 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 2, 2009
Im on a Boat!! (said, Noah)
As we continue the History of Mankind in Gen. chapters 4-7 their are so many things we could pull out like the Generous heart of Able that God wants us to have but i want to highlight the man of the hour, Noah.
Gen. 6:9 This is the account of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.
wow, so simple yet, this is what I believe that God is looking for… men & women who will walk with God despite the broken world that is around them.
You see the choice Noah made to Walk with God…. A walk is a journey, it’s a commitment, to his way and his path. All throughout his story you see God directing him, and Noah's simple response of obedience.
I want to simply encourage us to commit to obedience in our walk with God.
Now Im off to Bold Conference!! God teach the Men of the house to Walk with you!! Amen!!
Posted by Anonymous at 5:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
THRiVE YEAR Starts Today
Genesis chapters 1-3.
The first three chapters are the awesome account of creation...God's power on display. They are also, of course, the account of The Fall. The moment we, as humans, became separated from God by sin. It's a pretty contrasting story when you think about it: life in the state God intended it to be...and life in the fallen state we now find it.
These chapters remind me that our humanity is all the same. We all share a common sin nature, out of which flows the various behaviors and thoughts that cause us to miss the mark of God's will for our lives. You've never met a person that was outside of God's love & reach, regardless of their sin. This is because none of us a different, even though our behavior is.
It also reminds me that we have a job to do. Our job, as God's people saved by Grace, is to now reconcile people back to the Father. Life in it's intended place.
Have a great day today...and let's be busy about God's purpose. Walk closely in the presence of God. When you're saved by Jesus, you're back in the place of God's presence you were created for.
Brandon Stewart
Champions Centre
This message sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.
Posted by Brandon Stewart at 7:01 AM 1 comments