Wednesday, November 18, 2009

#ThriveYear Reading Wednesday November 18

Leviticus 16-18. Atonement, and instructions on sexual relations.
As we have said often in this section of scripture, our lives today look much different then in the days we are reading about.  However, let's take away the principles that scripture offers for us.  In the section on Atonement...we see how serious of an issue this was for God.  God cannot exist in a place where sin is allowed.  This is why atonement was required.  Thank God that Jesus offered Atonement for us once and for all.  Now when God sees us, all He sees is Righteousness!
We also see here how damaging unhealthy sexual relations can be.  Sexual brokenness is a very real, and current issue in our world.  We're going to see this topic unfold over the coming months in our reading.

Hope you are having an incredible week! Wednesday Night means it's ANTHEM252 night. Hope to see you there!