Sunday, November 22, 2009

#ThriveYear Reading Sunday November 22

Leviticus 26-27. Rewards for obedience & Redeeming what is the Lords. The tithe.
Today we finish Leviticus.  To be honest, this book always brings mixed emotions for me.  While so many of the technicalities in this book do not have a direct reference to us today, the implications of this book are huge.  Look at what we've been redeemed from.  God's law is something that none of us could live perfectly on our own.  I'm glad we live in a New Testament world of God's grace through Jesus.  But at the same time...this book makes me want to be better.

It's Sunday.  As we said last week, "Anything can happen today." Let's believe for salvation in people's lives, and God's House to be built.  See you in Church (or on live streaming - 11:30am Pacific time).