Sunday, September 27, 2009

THRIVE YEAR - Starts Thursday!

This week begins our 365 Day Online Bible Reading Plan we're calling THRiVE YEAR.  We're excited to offer this online reading plan through CLG, as a way for us to all read throug the Bible cover-to-cover together. 

Reading Plan Updates
In addition to having the complete reading plan available on the first post of this blog, we'll also be sending out the weekly reading plans on Sunday evenings for the coming seven days (Monday-Sunday).  Make sure you are signed up to receive these updates automatically, so you can stay on track (e-mail, RSS, Facebook, and Twitter options available).   

Thursday October 1 - Sunday October 4
Day 1 --- Genesis 1-3
Day 2 --- Genesis 4-7
Day 3 --- Genesis 8-11
Day 4 --- Job 1-5

As I started to ask around, I began to realize that many people have never read through the Bible like this..and most people wish they had.  Sometimes we get away from the most basic elemets of our faith, so THRiVE YEAR is a back to the basics look at God's Word in a Chronological way (see the complete reading plan for more info on our approach).  Let's take this year and commit to new growth in God's Word.

Here we go - I'm excited.  Stay in touch.
Pastor Brandon Stewart

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

THRiVE YEAR - A Video Introduction

Friday, September 18, 2009

THRiVE YEAR - Full 365 Day Bible Reading Plan

It is here...the THRiVE YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN. We're excited to offer this through Champion Life Groups, as a way for everyone to read through the Bible together this year.

We've chosen to read the Bible in Chronological order - differently than how the Bible is organized. Check out the full description inside this document.

We'll start on October 1st together. You'll see weekly plan updates from the team right here on this blog - as well as devotional thoughts.

4 ways to receive regular updates from THRiVE YEAR:

1. Subscribe to this blog via e-mail (link in upper right corner)
2. Subscribe to this blog via RSS feed (also in upper right corner)
3. Become a Facebook friend of "Champion LifeGroup"
4. Follow Championlifegrp on Twitter